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Skincare Journal

How to Layer Your Skincare for Radiant Winter Skin

How to Layer Your Skincare for Radiant Winter Skin

Have you ever wondered how to maximize the results of your skincare routine, especially during the challenging winter months when dry, reactive skin and fine lines become more pronounced? Layering products, starting with a well-formulated essence, can significantly enhance their effectiveness and create a truly radiant complexion.

Why layering is a winter skincare must

Think of your skin like a well-tended garden. There's the topsoil, where seeds are planted, but beneath that are layers of earth that retain moisture and deliver nutrients to the roots. Each layer plays a crucial role in the garden's overall health. This principle applies directly to your skincare routine.

Our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence is like creating that vital first layer of moisture-rich soil. Formulated with micro-molecular hyaluronic acid, soothing aloe, plant-derived ceramides, and other powerful botanicals, it not only moisturizes the skin’s surface but also actively delivers deep hydration to parched skin, creating a plump, healthy foundation and optimizing your skin to receive the full benefits of subsequent products.

This perfectly hydrated base allows subsequent products, like our  Alpine Phytonutrient Serum, to penetrate deeply, delivering their benefits to all layers of the skin, just as nutrients travel through the soil to the plant’s roots. Without this foundational hydration, even the best serums can only nourish the surface.

Struggling with dry, painful winter skin? See how our two-step ritual helped one customer find relief:

"I’m amazed at my skin during this frigid weather! My skin never hurts anymore. In the past, I have hydrated to the max, “moisturized” and supplemented my body during the winter but still had that “winter face feeling.”

TellurideGlow’s Winter Two-Step Ritual for Deep Winter Hydration

Step One: Hydrate & Prep

Our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence, infused with hydrating actives like hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe, deeply hydrates to soften, quench, and plump dry winter skin, creating the perfect base for optimal absorption of the serum's nourishing ingredients.

Step Two: Nourish & Protect

Our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum locks in the hydration from the essence while further strengthening your lipid barrier with nutrient-rich oils and adaptogens to protect and restore your skin.

The result? Skin that is deeply hydrated, nourished, and glowing—even in the harshest winter conditions.

Why Hydration + Lipid Barrier Protection Work Better Together

Hydration attracts water to the skin. But without a protective layer to hold that hydration in, water quickly evaporates—leaving your skin drier than before. That’s why layering is so important:

First, Aspen Dew delivers a surge of hydration to thirsty skin. Then, The Alpine locks in this hydration with nutrient-rich oils, providing superior hydration and lasting protection.

Real Results, Effortlessly

Winter doesn’t have to mean dry, tight, flaky skin. With just two simple steps, you can give your skin everything it needs to stay hydrated, healthy, and radiant.

Don't let winter win, shop our VIBRANT SKIN DUO today!

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The Unexpected Wellness Benefits of Cold (You'll Be Surprised)

The Unexpected Wellness Benefits of Cold (You'll Be Surprised)

You may prefer flip flops and beaches, but knowing these surprising health benefits may help you appreciate colder temperatures.

Healthy reasons to embrace the cold

Weight loss

Our bodies dip into the fat supply for fuel to keep warm. One study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation found that exposure to cold temperatures (not accompanied by shivering) can activate brown fat metabolism, so it may help burn calories. And shivering can be good, too, as it also stimulates the burning of fat. A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that shivering stimulates the secretion of irisin, a hormone that induces fat burning. Apparently, just 15 minutes spent shivering in a cold environment has the same effect as exercising for an hour. (Word of caution below). The flip side is that cold temperatures may increase your appetite.

Better sleep

The latest existing research suggests that the ideal temperature for the best sleep should be somewhere between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, and you might burn more calories, too. Your body’s core temp naturally drops when you’re trying to sleep and the process is much faster in winter.

Allergy relief

Pollen counts are virtually nonexistent in cold and snowy weather, so if you suffer from outdoor allergies, you may get a break! Of course, there are other indoor allergens in wintertime you should consider, such as mold and dust mites, but for the most part, you’ll get a bit of a reprieve.

Brain boost

Studies show that colder temperatures help people think clearly. What’s more, other research shows that people tackle more cognitive problems in the winter than in the summer, because summer temps use more glucose that’s needed for mental processes.


Cold air acts like a natural ice pack to decrease inflammation, so you might get some relief from less swollen and puffy joints in winter.

Techniques like cryotherapy involve brief exposure to extremely cold temperatures (often below -200°F) in a specialized chamber. While research is ongoing, proponents suggest cryotherapy may offer several benefits. These include reducing muscle soreness and inflammation by constricting blood vessels and decreasing nerve activity, potentially aiding in faster recovery after exercise. Some also report pain relief for conditions like arthritis and improved skin conditions due to increased blood flow after the treatment.

Immune benefits

Cold weather kicks your immune system into gear and fights infections more effectively. Studies have shown that the human immune system can be activated when exposed to the cold, and this enhances someone’s ability to fight infections. 

Practices like the Wim Hof Method combine specific breathing techniques, cold exposure (such as cold showers or ice baths), and mindset/meditation. Advocates suggest the Wim Hof Method can enhance the immune system by influencing the autonomic nervous system and reducing inflammation. It's also believed to improve mental focus and mood through the release of endorphins and other neurochemicals.

Mood enhancer

As your body works harder to stay warm while exercising outdoors, endorphins are released-- those feel-good hormones--and your mood is naturally lifted.

Please Note: Of course, extremely cold weather can be dangerous, and you should exercise caution. Take a look at these must-read tips for plummeting temperatures or these severe weather tips from Antartica.

Skin benefits of cold

The good news

You know that hot water can dry the skin, but did you know that cold weather increases blood circulation by constraining blood vessels in the skin? This reduces the likelihood of puffy eyes and facial swelling.

Exposure to cool weather also tightens the pores of your skin and invigorates your face. Think clear, bright eyes and rosy cheeks. Plus, you tend to produce less oil and sebum in the winter, so you may have fewer breakouts.

The bad news

Multiple elements can victimize your complexion, especially in high altitudes. Wind, sun, cold, heat and dryness create the perfect situation for chapped, depleted skin and can promote and contribute to aging. Click here for our winter skincare guide.

TellurideGlow embraces the cold

Powerful survivalist plants

We use high ratios of premium alpine botanicals because they produce powerful antioxidants, phytonutrients, and UV defenses to thrive in extremely cold climates. The air is cleaner, the soil undisturbed, and powerful secondary metabolites are produced to ward off pests and environmental aggression with some of the most beneficial plant composition on the planet.

TellurideGlow taps into these adaptive strategies with whole plant, certified organic formulas to nourish and protect against dehydration, free radical damage, sensitivities, and signs of premature aging.

Cold processing 

Virgin and raw ingredients are well known for their nutritional benefits. Our premium botanical ingredients are abundant in bioactive anti-oxidants, plant-derived nutrients, essential fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, so we seek out cold pressed ingredients to deliver better skin nutrition to restore and replenish the skin.

Cold formulating

Fresh botanical ingredients can lose much of their potency when heated, so to maintain the integrity of our raw ingredients we manufacture our whole plant formulas with cold technology, blending with extremely low to no heat during manufacturing.

Cold storage

Many warehouses are not climate controlled, so we searched until we found the right one to ensure our fresh ingredients are not compromised as temperatures rise.

We invite you to read how customers are loving and using the products here (https://www.tellurideglow.com/praise/).

Join thousands who love the results of better skin nutrition with TELLURIDEglow.


  1. https://www.jci.org/articles/view/60433?key=5e3684aee3d55b74adc8
  2. http://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(14)00006-0
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8022726?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
  4. https://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/best-sleeping-temperature/
  5. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/%28SICI%291099-0720%28199912%2913:6%3C561::AID-ACP661%3E3.0.CO;2-J/abstract
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8925815
  7. https://www.farmersalmanac.com/cedar-fever-33941
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Hyaluronic Acid: Size Matters

Hyaluronic Acid: Size Matters

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies. In skincare, it's prized for its ability to hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, giving skin a soft, plump texture and a more even tone. It can also improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and is generally gentle on the skin barrier.

However, not all hyaluronic acid molecules are created equal. There are different sizes, and these variations significantly impact how the ingredient interacts with your skin. Hyaluronic acid is often listed on ingredient labels as sodium hyaluronate (INCI = Sodium Hyaluronate), which doesn't specify the molecular size. Therefore, understanding the difference between these sizes is crucial for achieving your desired results.

Think of hyaluronic acid as a big drink of water for your skin. But the way that water is delivered depends on the size of the molecules. We can broadly categorize them by molecular weight: low and high.

High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid molecules are larger and cannot penetrate the skin barrier. Instead, they form a film on the skin's surface, binding with keratin upon evaporation. This film provides surface hydration, improves elasticity, and has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. However, because it sits on the surface, this film is easily washed away, offering only short-term benefits.

  • Pros: Surface hydration, improved elasticity, anti-inflammatory, soothing.
  • Cons: Short-term effects, easily washed away, no deep penetration.

Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid molecules are smaller and can penetrate deeper into the skin, reaching the connective tissue. Here, they bind water to skin cells, infusing all layers of the skin with moisture. This deeper hydration contributes to firmer, more supple skin and can visibly reduce wrinkles. The key advantage is that the moisture is stored more sustainably within the skin, providing longer-lasting effects. However, it's important that low molecular weight HA is used in proper ratios, as improper concentrations can potentially irritate the skin.

  • Pros: Deep hydration, improved firmness and elasticity, visible wrinkle reduction, longer-lasting effects.
  • Cons: Potential for irritation if used in improper concentrations.

Myths About Hyaluronic Acid: What Most People Get Wrong

Hyaluronic acid is often considered a “miracle ingredient” in skincare, and while it truly offers impressive benefits, there are several misconceptions surrounding its use. These misunderstandings can lead to suboptimal results or even frustration with products that contain HA. Here’s what you need to know to ensure you’re using HA effectively and seeing the results you deserve.

1. All hyaluronic acid is the same

One of the biggest misconceptions is that all hyaluronic acid is created equal, but in truth, its molecular size determines how it works and what it can do for your skin. Many products simply list "sodium hyaluronate" or "hyaluronic acid" on their ingredient label, leaving customers in the dark about the molecular weight of the HA being used.

  • Why This Matters:
    High molecular weight HA sits on the surface of your skin, forming a temporary hydrating film that feels silky but lacks deeper, long-term impact. In contrast, low molecular weight HA penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, replenishing hydration where it’s needed most and supporting long-lasting moisture retention.
    However, many brands avoid specifying molecular weights in their marketing materials because high molecular weight HA provides an immediate plumping effect, which can be visually convincing in the short term but doesn’t support skin health over time.

  • Takeaway for You:
    If your goal is to achieve long-term hydration, elasticity, and improved skin texture, look for products like Telluride Glow's Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence, that use low molecular weight HA in proper concentrations to sustain moisture levels beneath the surface.

2. More hyaluronic acid = better results

Another common myth is that products with higher concentrations of hyaluronic acid will deliver better results. While this might seem logical, it’s not how HA works.

  • The Science Behind It:
    Hyaluronic acid has the unique ability to bind up to 1,000 times its weight in water, but it doesn’t act as a self-contained moisturizer. Instead, it draws moisture from its surrounding environment—either from the air or, in dry conditions, from the deeper layers of your skin. When used in overly high concentrations or without proper occlusion (a sealing layer like a serum or oil), HA can actually dehydrate the skin by pulling moisture out and allowing it to evaporate.
    Additionally, HA that is too concentrated can sometimes disrupt the skin’s barrier, leading to irritation, especially for individuals with sensitive or compromised skin.

  • Takeaway for You:
    Rather than seeking the highest concentration of HA, focus on formulations where HA is balanced with complementary ingredients and designed to work in harmony with your skin’s natural processes. Proper formulation matters more than percentage claims on a label.

3. Hyaluronic acid works alone

Many people believe that hyaluronic acid is a one-stop solution for hydration, but this is another oversimplification. While HA is excellent at attracting water, it doesn’t necessarily lock that water into the skin on its own.

  • The Science Behind It:
    Without a sealing layer, the moisture HA attracts to your skin can quickly evaporate, leaving your skin feeling drier than before. This process is called transepidermal water loss (TEWL). In fact, HA needs to be layered with occlusive or emollient ingredients—like oils or rich serums—to create a protective barrier that prevents moisture from escaping.
    Think of HA as the water your skin needs, while occlusives are the lid on the container that keeps that water from evaporating. This combination ensures your skin stays plump, hydrated, and radiant throughout the day.

  • Takeaway for You:
    For best results, follow your HA application with an occlusive product, like Telluride Glow’s Alpine Phytonutrient Serum or The Purist Delicate Skin Serum, to lock in the moisture and amplify the benefits of hyaluronic acid. This two-step hydration strategy is especially important in dry climates or during colder months when environmental factors can exacerbate dehydration.

4. Hyaluronic acid is universally gentle

While hyaluronic acid is often praised as a safe, non-irritating ingredient suitable for all skin types, even this claim has its caveats. Though rare, HA can cause irritation or dryness when used improperly.

  • The Science Behind It:
    Low molecular weight HA, in particular, is known to penetrate deeper into the skin. While this is beneficial for hydration, it can occasionally irritate individuals with highly sensitive or reactive skin if used in excessive concentrations or without balancing ingredients. High molecular weight HA, on the other hand, is less likely to cause irritation because it remains on the surface.
    Another source of irritation can come from how HA is formulated. If the product includes unnecessary fillers, synthetic fragrances, or drying alcohols alongside the HA, these can counteract its hydrating effects and irritate the skin barrier.

  • Takeaway for You:
    Always check not just for the type of HA used, but also for the overall formulation. Products like Telluride Glow’s Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence are specifically designed with low molecular weight HA in carefully calibrated concentrations to deliver results without compromising the skin’s health. And, as always, follow up with a moisture-sealing layer to reduce any chance of irritation.

5. Hyaluronic acid can replace moisturizer

One of the most persistent myths is that using a hyaluronic acid serum eliminates the need for a moisturizer. This misunderstanding can lead to underwhelming results for customers who stop moisturizing altogether after introducing HA into their routine.

  • The Science Behind It:
    HA is a humectant, meaning it attracts water to itself. However, it doesn’t add fats or oils to the skin, which are necessary for supporting the lipid barrier and preventing water from escaping. Skipping a moisturizer, especially in colder or drier climates, can leave your skin vulnerable to dehydration despite using HA.
    Additionally, hyaluronic acid works synergistically with moisturizers and emollients, meaning the combined effect is greater than either product alone.

  • Takeaway for You:
    Think of HA as the hydration hero, and your moisturizer or serum as the partner that helps lock in that hydration for the long haul. To maximize results, follow your HA with an occlusive layer, such as Telluride Glow’s Alpine Phytonutrient Serum, which not only seals in moisture but also adds nutrient-rich oils to nourish your skin.

6. Hyaluronic acid always comes from natural sources

Finally, it’s important to note that while HA is naturally present in the human body, not all HA used in skincare products is sourced naturally. In fact, much of the HA on the market today is synthetically derived or produced via bacterial fermentation.

  • Why This Matters:
    While synthetic HA is effective, it’s important to choose formulations that prioritize purity and safety, particularly if you have sensitive skin or are concerned about environmental sustainability. Some formulations may include synthetic additives or stabilizers that compromise the integrity of the product.

  • Takeaway for You:
    When choosing an HA product, consider brands like Telluride Glow that are transparent about their ingredient sourcing and formulations. Knowing how and where your HA is sourced can ensure you’re getting the safest, most effective hydration for your skin.

Our formulas 

At Telluride Glow, our first priority is to formulate effective and safe products. We use a low molecular weight in our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence to give you lasting results, with proper ratios to ensure a non-irritating formula. Some brands typically use a combination of high molecular weight as it shows immediate effects to convince the buyer of its effectiveness. However, the effectiveness isn’t long lasting if your goal is to support your skin in the long run.

Best way to apply a hyaluronic acid serum

Though hyaluronic acid can attract and retain moisture, it doesn’t necessarily keep that moisture from evaporating over time. That’s why it’s important to maximize the benefits by adding occlusive products after the essence, like our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum or The Purist Delicate Skin Serum. These serums seal in the moisture drawn into skin by the hyaluronic acid, and the two work together to ensure skin is both hydrated and stays that way.

Fun fact

Tremella mushroom Tremella fuciformis, is a key ingredient in our Snow Rose Recovery Mask for water retention. Tremella's particle sizes are actually smaller than those of HA, giving Tremella the ability to hold 5 times more water than hyaluronic acid!

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal, but it’s not a magic bullet.

By understanding how molecular weight affects its function, how to properly layer it with other products, and why thoughtful formulations matter, you can make informed decisions that deliver real results.

Telluride Glow’s HA-based products are crafted with transparency, effectiveness, and long-term skin health in mind—because we believe in giving your skin the hydration it deserves, backed by science and nature.

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A Guide to Winter Skincare for Mature Skin

A Guide to Winter Skincare for Mature Skin

Cold weather and snow have arrived, and with them, the familiar challenges of dry, chapped, and sensitive skin. As we age, our skin undergoes natural changes that make it even more susceptible to the harsh effects of winter. You might notice increased dryness, tightness, and even more pronounced fine lines—a frustrating experience for anyone who values healthy, radiant skin. This isn't just about appearances; it's about feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin, no matter the season.

Understanding winter skin challenges

Did you know that mature skin is more vulnerable to winter's drying effects? This is because as we age, we naturally lose elastin and collagen, the building blocks that keep our skin firm and supple. This loss diminishes our skin's ability to retain moisture. Add to that a decline in our skin's own oil production, and you have a recipe for a reddened, irritated, and even cracking dermis.

Winter environments, both indoors and out, exacerbate the problem. Indoor heaters and outdoor winds wick away precious skin moisture, while those extra-hot showers we take to warm up can further strip away natural oils.

Key strategies for winter skin health

Fortunately, there are several effective strategies you can implement to minimize these negative impacts and maintain healthy, hydrated skin throughout the winter months.

1. Gentle cleansing: the foundation of healthy skin

Choosing the right cleanser is crucial, especially in winter. Mature skin benefits greatly from oil-based cleansers, particularly during the colder months.

These cleansers work by attracting and dissolving oil-based impurities, such as makeup and pollutants, without stripping away your skin's natural oils. This is especially important as our natural moisturizing factors decline with age.

Whole-plant and nut seed oils, such as jojoba, marula, and almond oil, offer additional benefits. They can help fortify the skin barrier, reducing the signs of premature skin aging and exacerbating dry sensitive skin.

2. Hydration: the moisture magnet

Hydration is paramount in winter. One of the most effective hydrating ingredients is hyaluronic acid. This powerful humectant acts like a sponge, drawing moisture from the surrounding environment and binding it to the skin. This is especially vital during winter, as cold air holds significantly less moisture than warm air.

For optimal results, consider a two-step approach to hydration, especially if your skin is extremely dry. After cleansing, gently pat your skin dry (avoid rubbing, which can irritate sensitive skin). Then, spritz your face with a hydrating facial mist like our Neroli Hydrasoothe Treatment Mist. This seemingly simple step can make a significant difference.

Here's why: a facial mist provides an immediate boost of hydration, softening the skin and creating a damp canvas. This dampness is crucial for hyaluronic acid to work effectively. By applying hyaluronic acid to damp skin, you maximize its ability to draw and bind moisture. This also helps subsequent products, like serums and moisturizers, spread more evenly and absorb more readily.

Think of it like this: trying to spread lotion on dry skin is much harder than applying it to slightly damp skin. The mist preps your skin, making it more receptive to the hydrating ingredients that follow.

After misting, apply a hyaluronic acid serum or essence. Micro-molecular hyaluronic acid, like that found in our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence, can penetrate deeper into the skin for more progressive and lasting hydration.

By layering a hydrating mist before your hyaluronic acid and moisturizer, you create a multi-layered hydration system that helps prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL), the primary culprit of dry, chapped winter skin.

3. Locking in moisture: protecting your skin barrier

Once you've hydrated your skin, it's essential to seal in that moisture and prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL), the primary culprit of dry, chapped winter skin. This is where occlusive ingredients come in. These ingredients create a protective barrier on the skin's surface, preventing moisture from escaping.

Nutrient-dense plant oils are excellent occlusives. Oils like sea buckthorn, rosehip, and cloudberry seed oil, found in our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum, not only lock in moisture but also provide essential fatty acids and antioxidants that help fortify your skin barrier against the depleting effects of harsh winter weather.

4. Lifestyle factors: supporting skin health from within

In addition to topical skincare, lifestyle factors play a significant role in winter skin health. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is essential. You can also boost your hydration from within by incorporating collagen-rich foods or supplements. Bone broth is a great option, or if you're vegetarian or vegan, consider plant-based collagen-building powders added to vegetable broth.

5. Gentle exfoliation & sun protection:

Avoid over-exfoliating during the winter months, as this can further irritate dry and sensitive skin. Gentle exfoliation once or twice a week is sufficient. After exfoliating, be sure to replenish your skin's moisture with a nourishing serum.

Finally, don't forget sunscreen! Even on cloudy winter days, harmful UV rays can penetrate the skin. Wearing a broad-spectrum non-toxic sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is crucial for protecting your skin from sun damage.

By understanding the science behind winter skin changes and implementing these key strategies, you can maintain healthy, radiant, and comfortable skin throughout the colder months.

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Winter Skincare Tips: How Facial Mists Can Hydrate and Revitalize Dry Skin

Winter Skincare Tips: How Facial Mists Can Hydrate and Revitalize Dry Skin

Winter weather is notoriously unkind to your skin. The drop in temperature, paired with low humidity levels and harsh winds, strips your skin of its natural moisture barrier. Indoors, things aren't much better—artificial heating zaps the air of any remaining moisture, leaving your skin tight, flaky, and prone to irritation. It’s not just about discomfort; when the skin barrier is compromised, your complexion becomes more vulnerable to environmental aggressors, redness, and sensitivity.

In these conditions, maintaining a consistent and effective skincare routine is critical. One simple yet powerful addition? A hydrating facial mist. Often underestimated, facial mists can provide a much-needed boost of hydration, soothe dryness, and enhance the performance of your skincare products.

Here’s everything you need to know about using facial mists to elevate your winter skincare routine.

How Facial Mists Can Help

Facial mists go beyond a refreshing spritz—they’re a versatile skincare staple that can transform how your skin looks and feels. Here’s why they’re a winter essential:

1. Instant Hydration

When your skin starts to feel parched, a facial mist delivers an immediate surge of moisture. This is especially useful on cold, dry days or when you’re on the go.

2. Replenishes Dry, Flaky Skin

Dryness and flakiness are common in winter, but hydrating facial mists can help restore your skin’s moisture levels. They work wonders when layered with other products to lock in hydration and keep skin smooth and supple.

3. Comforts Reactive, Sensitive Skin

Winter skin often becomes more reactive, but a soothing facial mist—like our Neroli Hydrasoothe Treatment Mist—can help calm redness and irritation. Ingredients such as neroli, aloe vera, and chamomile provide instant relief for angry, stressed skin.

4. Refreshes Makeup

Makeup tends to crack and settle into dry patches when skin is dehydrated. A quick spritz of facial mist not only revives your makeup but also enhances its longevity, leaving you with a dewy, fresh-faced look.

5. Preps Skin for Maximum Absorption

Hydrating mists help prepare your skin to absorb serums, essences, and moisturizers more effectively. Applying mist before these steps creates a hydrated base, ensuring your products penetrate more deeply for optimal results.

For the ultimate winter skincare indulgence, try layering our Neroli Hydrasoothe Treatment Mist with Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence and The Alpine Phytonutrient Serum or Purist Delicate Skin Serum. Together, these products create a comforting ritual designed to restore balance, vitality, and radiance to winter-stressed skin.

Crafting a Holistic Winter Skincare Ritual

To keep your skin healthy and luminous all winter, adopt this easy yet luxurious routine:

Step 1: Gentle Cleansing

Start with a gentle, hydrating oil cleanser to remove impurities without stripping the skin. Choose a formula that nourishes while maintaining your skin’s natural oils.

Step 2: First Mist

Spritz your face with Neroli Hydrasoothe Treatment Mist. This step balances your skin’s pH, refreshes, and preps it for the next steps in your skincare routine.

Step 3: Essence

Apply Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence to brighten, firm, and deeply hydrate your skin. An essence provides a layer of nourishment that enhances the benefits of subsequent products.

Step 4: Serum

Massage a few drops of The Alpine Phytonutrient Serum or Purist Delicate Skin Serum into your skin. These serums address specific concerns such as dryness, fine lines, and dullness while delivering long-lasting hydration.

Step 5: Final Mist

Seal in all the benefits with another spritz of facial mist. This final step helps set your makeup, lock in hydration, and protect your skin throughout the day.

PRO TIP: Look for facial mists containing hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and fresh botanical extracts like aspen bark. These ingredients work together to nourish, soothe, and refresh your skin.

What to Look for in a Winter Facial Mist

Not all facial mists are created equal. When selecting one, look for key ingredients that address hydration, soothing, and nourishment:

  • Hyaluronic Acid: A hydration powerhouse that attracts and retains moisture.
  • Aloe Vera: Calms and soothes irritation while providing lightweight hydration.
  • Botanical Extracts: Ingredients like neroli, chamomile, or aspen bark provide antioxidant benefits and help reduce redness and sensitivity. 

Maximize Your Winter Glow

Incorporating a facial mist into your skincare routine is more than just a refreshing addition—it’s a proactive step toward protecting and rejuvenating your skin during the harsh winter months. Combine it with a holistic skincare ritual featuring products like the Neroli Hydrasoothe Treatment Mist, Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence, and The Purist Delicate Skin Serum to ensure your skin stays radiant, hydrated, and healthy.

With consistent care and a few skincare staples, your skin can thrive even in the coldest months. A mist here, a serum there—it’s the little luxuries that make all the difference.

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The 10-in-1 Skincare Solution: How Aspen Dew Streamlines Your Routine for Radiant, Resilient Skin

The 10-in-1 Skincare Solution: How Aspen Dew Streamlines Your Routine for Radiant, Resilient Skin

As our skin evolves over time, it requires tailored care focused on hydration, firmness, and protection from environmental stressors.

Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence addresses these needs by serving as a multi-functional skincare product that replaces multiple items in a routine, making it ideal for anyone seeking simplicity without compromising on effectiveness.

Let’s dive into each benefit and explore how Aspen Dew meets your skin’s needs with powerful ingredients and thoughtful formulations. Plus, discover additional tips for enhancing your overall skin health.

1. Facial Toner: Prep and Balance Skin pH

  • Why Toners Matter: Toners play a key role in balancing the skin’s pH after cleansing, which can be disrupted by tap water and harsh cleansers. A balanced pH is essential for skin resilience and moisture retention.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Aloe vera is rich in polysaccharides that soothe and hydrate, while rose oil offers mild antibacterial properties and a refreshing effect.
  • Pro Tip: For best results, apply Aspen Dew on slightly damp skin to lock in additional moisture. This enhances the absorption of the following ingredients and preps your skin for hydration.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Consider reducing the number of cleansing steps to prevent over-stripping natural oils. Gentle, non-foaming cleansers or oil cleansers are especially beneficial for mature skin.

2. Retinol Alternative: Gentle Cell Renewal

  • Why Retinol Alternatives are Important: Retinoids promote cell turnover, helping improve texture and tone. However, they can sometimes cause dryness and sensitivity, particularly in skin that’s prone to dryness.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Dew bean extract is a plant-based retinol alternative that supports smooth, fresh-looking skin without irritation.
  • Pro Tip: Incorporate Aspen Dew into your nighttime routine to take advantage of your skin’s natural repair cycle, allowing dew bean to work effectively while you sleep.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Nourish your skin from the inside out by eating foods rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene, like sweet potatoes and carrots, to support healthy skin renewal.

3. Wrinkle Cream: Support Firmness & Reduce Fine Lines

  • Why Supporting Firmness is Essential: As skin changes over time, it may lose its natural elasticity, which makes ingredients that support firmness a key part of maintaining skin health.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Edelweiss extract is rich in antioxidants that promote elasticity and smoothness by supporting collagen, fortifying the skin’s natural structure.
  • Pro Tip: Pair Aspen Dew with a gentle facial massage to boost circulation and encourage deeper penetration of edelweiss into the skin. Use upward motions to help lift and firm.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Adding collagen-boosting foods like bone broth to your diet can support skin's elasticity, helping it retain a more lifted appearance.

4. Antioxidant Cream: Protect Against Environmental Stressors

  • Why Antioxidants are Crucial: Environmental stressors such as pollution and UV rays can accelerate visible skin changes by generating free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful molecules, helping to prevent damage.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Superoxide dismutase is a powerful enzyme that breaks down free radicals, while edelweiss offers extended protection against oxidative stress.
  • Pro Tip: Apply Aspen Dew in the morning to ensure antioxidant protection throughout the day. Follow with SPF 30+ to maximize defense against the elements.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Consider an antioxidant-rich diet by incorporating berries, green tea, and dark chocolate to support skin health from within.

5. Vitamin C Serum: Reduce Dark Spots & Hyperpigmentation

  • Why Vitamin C is Essential: Dark spots and uneven skin tone often develop due to sun exposure and slower cell turnover. A brightening vitamin C serum helps create a more even, glowing complexion.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Bearberry extract is a natural source of vitamin C and arbutin, both which works to fade hyperpigmentation without the risks associated with harsher alternatives. 
  • Pro Tip: Consistency is key! Apply Aspen Dew twice daily to allow bearberry extract to work gradually, reducing dark spots over time.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Supplement your routine with Vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits and bell peppers to naturally brighten skin from the inside out.

6. Hyaluronic Acid: Deep Hydration & Plumping

  • Why Hydration is Key: Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it essential for maintaining a hydrated, plump appearance.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Sodium hyaluronate, a smaller molecule form of hyaluronic acid, penetrates deeper to provide lasting hydration and visibly smooth fine lines.
  • Pro Tip: Apply Aspen Dew on slightly damp skin, followed by a moisturizer to seal in the hyaluronic acid’s moisture-boosting benefits.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Stay hydrated throughout the day by aiming for at least 8 glasses of water. Adding hydrating fruits like watermelon and cucumbers to your diet can also benefit your skin.

7. Niacinamide Serum: Enhance Barrier Function & Even Skin Tone

  • Why Niacinamide is Essential: Niacinamide, or Vitamin B3, strengthens the skin barrier, reducing dullness, redness, and visible signs of environmental stress.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Niacinamide in Aspen Dew promotes elasticity and supports ceramide production, improving moisture retention and tone.
  • Pro Tip: Use Aspen Dew daily to reap the cumulative benefits of niacinamide, helping to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and uneven tone.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Add niacinamide-rich foods like nuts, seeds, and whole grains to your diet to support your skin’s barrier function from within.

8. Facial Mist: Refresh & Hydrate Skin 

  • Why Mists are Beneficial: Mists provide quick hydration boosts and help lock in the benefits of other products when layered.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Phytoceramides help strengthen the skin’s moisture barrier, while aloe vera and sodium hyaluronate keep skin soft and refreshed.
  • Pro Tip: Use Aspen Dew throughout the day to replenish moisture, especially in dry environments or after sun exposure to cool skin.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Keep a facial mist at your desk or carry it with you to rehydrate skin on the go, which is especially helpful in dry indoor spaces like office buildings and in airplane cabins.

9. Ceramide Serum: Strengthen & Restore Skin Barrier Health

  • Why Ceramides are Important: Ceramides are lipids that occur naturally in the skin barrier, crucial for retaining moisture and protecting against environmental damage.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Glycosphingolipids, or plant-derived ceramides, enhance resilience and moisture retention, fortifying the skin barrier.
  • Pro Tip: For optimal barrier protection, apply Aspen Dew as the first layer of hydration, followed by an oil serum to reinforce the barrier and lock in moisture.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Consuming healthy fats, like avocado and omega-3-rich fish, supports your skin’s natural lipid levels, which can help keep your skin’s barrier strong.

10. Calming Elixir: Reduce Redness

  • Why Calming Ingredients are Needed: With age, skin can become more sensitive and prone to redness. Calming ingredients help soothe inflammation and provide relief.
  • Ingredient Spotlight: Aspen bark extract is both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, while aloe vera and edelweiss calm and nourish sensitive skin.
  • Pro Tip: Use Aspen Dew as a post-sun treatment to cool and calm reddened skin. Apply chilled for an extra-soothing effect.
  • Lifestyle Tip: Avoid extreme temperatures on your skin, like hot water or direct sun exposure. Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and ginger to calm your skin from the inside out.

Streamline Your Routine with Aspen Dew

Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence is more than just a single skincare product— it’s a  10-in-1 facial treatment, designed to nourish, protect, and revitalize your skin.

By incorporating Aspen Dew into your daily routine, you’re not only saving time but also ensuring that your skin receives comprehensive care to stay resilient, radiant, and healthy.

For those looking to simplify their skincare regimen while maintaining a luminous, refreshed appearance, Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence offers a convenient, powerful alternative that delivers exceptional results in a single bottle.

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Aspen Bark Benefits for Skin Health

Aspen Bark Benefits for Skin Health

Aspen, scientifically known as Populus tremuloides, and colloquially referred to as the quaking aspen for its distinctive fluttering leaves, is more than just an aesthetically pleasing deciduous tree native to North America.

Beyond its visual charm and the timber's valued durability and disease resistance, aspen harbors potent phytonutrients that offer a myriad of benefits for skin health.

Aspen bark is a phytonutrient powerhouse

The resilience of aspen trees, capable of thriving in harsh high-altitude environments, is largely attributable to their rich content of polyphenols and alkaloids. These compounds not only enable the aspen to fend off predators and diseases but also imbue it with remarkable longevity. Such phytonutrients are what make aspen bark extract a remarkabkle ingredient for skincare, providing significant anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits.

The historical & medicinal significance of aspen bark

Historically, aspen has been revered for its medicinal properties. Indigenous peoples of North America utilized it for treating a variety of conditions, from fever and skin burns to respiratory ailments.

The bark, in particular, was noted for its healing effects on wounds and chilblains, as well as its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief from back pain and potentially mitigating gastric ulcers.

Aspen bark extract in skincare

Smoothing and Softening Effects

Aspen bark is a treasure trove of salicin, a precursor to salicylic acid, which acts as a gentle exfoliator.

By promoting the shedding of dead skin cells, salicin helps to smooth, soften, and brighten the skin, enhancing texture, diminishing fine lines, and revitalizing the complexion.

Ideal for sensitive skin

Due to its non-irritant nature, aspen bark extract is well-suited for sensitive skin types. It serves as a natural preservative, offering a safer alternative to traditional parabens while reducing the potential for skin irritation.

Anti-inflammatory properties

The blend of salicin and polyphenols in aspen bark extract provides significant anti-inflammatory effects. This can be particularly beneficial for calming reactive or irritated skin, with antioxidants helping to soothe the epidermis by combating free radicals and inflammation.

Potent antioxidant activity

Aspen bark extract's high phytonutrient content makes it a powerful antioxidant. Polyphenols protect the skin's structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin, from oxidative damage. This helps to preserve skin integrity and combating signs of premature aging.

Incorporating aspen bark into your skincare routine

Leveraging the power of aspen bark extract in skincare products, like our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence, can significantly enhance skin health.

Its unique ability to smooth, soften, and calm, makes it an invaluable ingredient for anyone looking to restore balance and brightness to their complexion.

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Hidden Endocrine Disruptors in Skincare Linked to Breast Cancer

Hidden Endocrine Disruptors in Skincare Linked to Breast Cancer

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and because breast cancer remains one of the leading health concerns for women worldwide, we wanted to take a moment to dive into some of the specific chemicals in skincare products that have been linked to breast cancer.

Research increasingly points to the potential role of endocrine disruptors—chemicals that can interfere with our hormone systems—as contributors to breast cancer risk. While these chemicals are pervasive in our environment, their presence in skincare and cosmetic products is of particular concern due to our direct and frequent exposure to them. 

What are endocrine disruptors?

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that mimic the hormone estrogen and can interfere with the normal function of other hormones in the body. This estrogenic activity may lead to an increased risk of breast cancer, as it can promote the growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer cells and disrupt immune system function.

By being aware of potential endocrine disruptors and educating ourselves about these chemicals we can make safer choices for our health.

Below is a list of endocrine disruptors most commonly found in skincare products and their potential effects on the endocrine system. Print it out and take it with you next time you go shopping for beauty products so you know what ingredients to avoid.

6 Endocrine Disruptors to Avoid

  1. Parabens

Parabens are known to mimic estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors on cells (1.). This activity can potentially contribute to the growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast tumors.

Ingredient Names: Butylparaben, propylparaben, isobutylparaben, methylparaben.

Found in: Shampoos, conditioners, lotions, face cleansers.

  1. Phthalates

Phthalates have been shown to interfere with the hormone system and are linked to reproductive abnormalities (2.).

Ingredient Names: DEHP, DBP, DEP (among others); however, they can sometimes simply be listed as "fragrance,” these are synthetic fragrances.

Found in: Perfumes, moisturizers, eye shadows, nail polishes, shampoos, conditioners.

  1. Synthetic Colors

Some synthetic colors are derived from coal tar, which may contain heavy metal salts that deposit toxins onto the skin, causing skin sensitivity and irritation (3.). While direct links between synthetic colors and breast cancer aren't fully established, any toxin that affects the skin and potentially the endocrine system deserves scrutiny.

Ingredient Names: Listed as "FD&C" or "D&C" followed by a color and a number (e.g., FD&C Red No. 6).

Found in: Hair dyes, eye shadows, eyeliners, lipsticks.

  1. Synthetic Fragrances

Many chemicals that make up synthetic fragrances come from petrochemicals, which can interfere with the body's endocrine system (4.) and possibly contribute to an increased risk of breast cancer.

Ingredient Names: Often vaguely labeled as "fragrance" or "parfum".

Found in: Nearly all cosmetic and beauty products, from deodorants to lotions.

  1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, also called SLS, has potential endocrine-disrupting effects, with some studies pointing to its ability to mimic hormones(5.).

Ingredient Names: Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium dodecyl sulfate.

Found in:  Shampoos, body washes, hand soaps, toothpaste.

  1. Benzophenone

Benzophenones can mimic the hormone estrogen and may interfere with the function of other hormones, potentially promoting the growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer cells (6).

Ingredient Names: Benzophenone, Benzophenone-1 (BP-1), Benzophenone-2 (BP-2), Benzophenone-3 (Oxybenzone), Benzophenone-4 (BP-4), Sulisobenzone.

Found in: Sunscreens, nail polishes, lip balms, hair sprays, shampoos, fragrances, and lotions.

The Path Forward

Awareness is the first step to prevention. By understanding the potential risks associated with these common ingredients, we can make informed decisions about the products we use daily. Opting for alternatives labeled as "free from" these chemicals or choosing organic, natural products can be safer routes to follow.

The Purist Delicate Skin Serum is our #1 choice for restoring health and promoting calm to a compromised skin barrier. Lightweight and free of fragrance allergens, essential oils, gluten, alcohol, and nuts, this velvety serum is the ultimate beauty potion to restore balance to irritated skin while fighting environmental aggression.

100% of the ingredients are from organic farming, wild-harvested, and/or natural sources, and free from harmful chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, or fragrances.

Remember that the duration and frequency of exposure, along with individual susceptibilities, play a significant role in determining potential outcomes. It's essential to balance concern with pragmatism and do your best choose products you are educated about.


  1. Darbre, P. D., & Harvey, P. W. (2008). Paraben esters: review of recent studies of endocrine toxicity, absorption, esterase and human exposure, and discussion of potential human health risks. Journal of applied toxicology, 28(5), 561-578.
  2. Serrano, S. E., Braun, J., Trasande, L., Dills, R., & Sathyanarayana, S. (2014). Phthalates and diet: a review of the food monitoring and epidemiology data. Environmental health, 13(1), 43.
  3. Scott, R. R., & Gutowski, S. M. (2014). Current concepts about chromogens, dye lasers, and pigmented lesions. Clinical dermatology, 32(4), 529-537.
  4. Steinemann, A. (2015). Volatile emissions from common consumer products. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 8(3), 273-281.
  5. Schwartz, J. R., & Marsh, R. G. (1988). Sodium lauryl sulfate and triclosan: in vitro cytotoxicity studies with gingival cells. Toxicology letters, 41(3), 313-325.
  6. Kunz, P. Y., & Fent, K. (2006). Multiple hormonal activities of UV filters and comparison of in vivo and in vitro estrogenic activity of ethyl-4-aminobenzoate in fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 79(4), 305-324. ↩
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A Fall Guide to Skincare

A Fall Guide to Skincare

As the golden hues of aspen leaves signal the transition from summer's warmth to cooler days ahead, our skin, too, undergoes a transformation.

Exposed to environmental factors, it reacts sensitively to seasonal shifts, requiring a recalibrated approach to skin care. 

"The skin barrier is a crucial component of skin health, and it can be compromised by environmental factors such as cold weather and low humidity. Using products that help to strengthen the skin barrier, such as those containing ceramides or fatty acids, can help to prevent dryness and irritation.Journal of Dermatological Science

Understanding Seasonal Skin Changes

As autumn approaches, changes in the weather can significantly affect our skin's health. Cooler temperatures and decreased humidity can lead to a variety of skin concerns.

Lower temperatures can reduce blood flow to the skin, resulting in dryness, dullness, and slower cell turnover. This can leave the skin looking lackluster and feeling rough.

Decreased humidity can further exacerbate dryness, as the skin loses moisture more easily. This can lead to sensitivity, itching, and a compromised skin barrier.

The combination of these factors can make our skin more vulnerable to irritation and environmental stressors, especially for those with sensitive, dry, or reactive skin.

Let's explore the various factors that lead to autumn-related skin challenges.

Why Fall Affects Our Skin

Ambient humidity: The air's moisture content plays a crucial role in determining our skin's hydration levels. Higher humidity levels in summer can help keep skin supple, but the drier autumn air wicks moisture from our skin leading to dehydration, and enhancing fine lines and wrinkles

Summertime after effects: While summer offers skin health benefits like increased circulation from outdoor activities, the negative impacts like sun damage and the residual effects of chlorine or salt from pool swims can linger into the fall.

Fluctuating fall weather: The inconsistencies in fall weather patterns, characterized by varying temperatures and increased wind, demand a dynamic response from our skin. When our skin is overly challenged by these fluctuations, it can start to feel tight, itchy or develop seasonal sensitivities.

Read on for 9 tips on how to easily adapt your skin care routine to maintain healthy glowing skin this fall…

Recalibrating Your Fall Skin Care Routine

1. Rethink Your Cleanser

If you’ve been using a clarifying cleanser all summer, now is the time to switch to gentler non-stripping or nourishing oil cleanser. The goal is a cleanser that doesn't leave your skin feeling tight post-wash. You can find a simple at-home oil cleansing recipe that is non-drying and noncomedogenic, here.

2. Update Your Toner

Transition from refreshing summer toners to ones that offer an extra hydration boost. Our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence containsboth tonifying Aspen Bark extract that helps firm skin without drying and micro-mollecular hyaluronic acid that provides continuous hydration throught the day.  Avoid toners with alcohol, as they can further dry out skin.

3. Opt for Richer Moisturizers

Fall's cooler days require deeper hydration. Lighter moisturizers might suffice in the summer, but as fall progresses, consider using a restorative serum that offers a stronger moisture barrier, especially before bed. Our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum is a great choice for nighttime care as its nourishing whole-plant actives work to tirelessly restore skin while you sleep. 

4. Address Lips & Under Eye Areas

Carry a lipid rich lip balm in your purse and reapply often. Lips are especially sensitive to changes in temperature and can easily dry out. Try dabbing a small amount of the Purist Delicate Skin Serum to your lips just before applying lipstick for an extra boost of hydration and a little added sheen. You can also dab a little Purist under your eyes as a light eye serum to help combat fine lines caused by dehydration.

5. Regular, Gentle Exfoliation

To counteract any leftover summer sun effects, add weekly exfoliation to your beauty ritual. Our Snow Rose Recovery Mask can be used as a petal soft polish to gentlly exfoliate dead skin cells. However, avoid over-exfoliating, which can irritate skin, especially in drier climates.

6. Focus on Pores

Post-summer, pores can appear enlarged due to increased sweating during warmer months. Keep them clean and refined with a purifying clay mask. 

7. Embrace Hydrating Masks

Beyond your regular moisturizer, a hydrating mask can offer additional fortification against drier fall air. To enhance hydration, add a pump of our Purist Delicate Skin Serum or Alpine Phytonutrient Serum to your weekly Snow Rose Mask. 

8. Prioritize Hydration

Drinking water is essential, but for an external hydration boost, consider a deeply nourishing serum like our Alpine Phytonutrient serum, designed to delived nourishing phytoactives to promote skin barrier health. Serums offer additional restorative benefits and can help your skin barrier to cope with the changing seasons.

9. Add a Humidifier

"The use of a humidifier can help to increase the humidity levels in your home, which can help to prevent dry skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Journal of Dermatological Therapy

Switch on your humidifier to restore moisture to the air in your home. This will help counteract the drying effects on the skin from indoor heaters and furnaces. 

Pro tip: Set a humidifier in your bedroom so your skin can reap the benefits of added ambient moisture while you sleep! Consider switching to a 100% mulberry silk pillowcase to ease the friction caused by nightime tossing and turning on skin.

Tailoring Your Routine

The core tenets for fall skin care are self observation and adaptation. As you recalibrate your skincare routine pay special attention to:

  • Monitor your skin's response to the changing season.
  • Tweak your routine based on how your skin both feels and looks.
  • Introduce changes gradually for optimal adaptation. This is especially important for those with sensitive skin.

Adapting your skin care routine for fall is essential in ensuring your skin remains resilient and radiant. Remember, your skin is the immune system’s first line of defense so keeping a healthy skin barrier is vital to your over-all wellbeing. Skincare is not just about looking beautiful, it's also about holistic health.

With attention to detail and the right products, you can confidently embrace the season's beauty while ensuring your skin stays at its best.


Han, S. H., & Lee, J. H. (2014). The influence of environmental factors on skin barrier function. Journal of Dermatological Science, 76(2), 111-116.

Lee, S. H., & Park, Y. M. (2019). The role of humidity in skin health. Journal of Dermatological Therapy, 30(1), 1-7.


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