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Babies - The True Test of Sensitive Skin

Babies - The True Test of Sensitive Skin

Everyone's heard of the freezing single digit temperatures in Texas this week and the horrific loss of power and water. For some reason we escaped the worst of it at our Dallas home and were able to open our doors for 3 days to some of our adult children and their friends. Hotel Heape was in full swing with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 10, plus two infants and one awfully cute french bulldog.

But both babies had dry, bright red cheeks, and it was a little concerning. Our world is filled with sensitizers, not only in skincare but in household products, indoor heat, food, and the air.

So (with permission) I tried the calming Purist Delicate Skin Serum, knowing there was absolutely NOTHING in that could irritate their delicate skin. And it worked. Miraculously so.

Not a drug or cure, this serum provides unsurpassed hydration, vitalization, and balance without causing irritation.

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