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Vitamin D For Skin Health | 3 Ways to Get a Natural Boost

Vitamin D For Skin Health | 3 Ways to Get a Natural Boost


Most of us know that vitamin D is essential to maintain healthy bones. But did you know that it also plays a vital role in skin protection and rejuvenation?

Vitamin D supports cellular renewal and repair while helping regulate skin metabolism. It can help prevent premature skin aging, and lessen conditions like dry skin, sensitivity, eczema, and psoriasis.

Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is on the rise. Recent studies have found that 42% of US adults had a vitamin D deficiency!

A lack of this essential vitamin can lead to a dull complexion and red, dry, or itchy skin.

The good news is you can boost your skin's ability to harness this lipid-soluble vitamin by nourishing it with a micronutrient rich serum like our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum which contains high levels of fatty acids from moringa, sea buckthorn, rosehip, and cloudberry seed oil.

These fatty acids are crucial for maintaining a healthy skin barrier and help to optimize the skin's ability to naturally synthesize vitamin D.

 Want more ways to holistically boost your vitamin D this fall? Read on for extra tips below.

3 holistic ways to boost your vitamin D levels

Here are three ways to get an extra boost of vitamin D and take advantage of the suns rays in a safe and healthy way. 

Eat your mushrooms

Did you know that wild-foraged mushrooms contain high levels of bioavailable vitamin D? Visit your local farmers market or natural grocery store to stock up on shiitake, porcini, and button mushrooms, as these delicious fungi are an excellent way to supplement your diet with this essential vitamin.

Try red light therapy

Red light therapy has been shown to improve mitochondrial function, which is essential for various cellular processes, including vitamin D synthesis. Check with your healthcare practitioner or local spa for red light therapy options close to you. Some spas also offer red light therapy. If you're in Telluride, the R&R Wellness Center at the Peaks Resort offers near infrared sauna with red light therapy.

Harness the sun's gentler rays

Spending short periods of time, 15-30 minutes outside in the sun during early morning or evening is more effective for improving vitamin D levels than prolonged exposure. And always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Post-sun skin care is also important, try our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum to help revitalize your skin. 

Supplement your vitamin D

Sometimes the amount of vitamins found in our diet isn't enough to meet daily requirements.The recommended daily dose of vitamin D is 600 IU for people under 70 and 800 IU for people 70+. One of our favorite high-quality D supplements is from Nordic Naturals.


Please note:  Too much vitamin D can cause more harm than good. Excessive amounts of vitamin D can cause calcium to accumulate in your body, which may damage your heart and kidneys. It’s very important to stay within the limits of recommended daily amounts. If you’re unsure, please consult with your healthcare professional.

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